About The Monthly Tie Club

Hi. I'm James, "The tie guy".

This page has a real problem right from the start, because for me The Monthly tie club isn't "About Us" it's about you. Let's put that to one side for a moment and pretend it's about us, sound fair?

I love to look smart, honestly nothing makes me feel better than walking down the road, going into that meeting or the look from a friend when they walk into the room and I know I look smart, sharp, the very best version of me. I am not a model and never will be, not even close, but I do class myself as having a sense of style and over the years I've been asked where I get my clothes and most importantly my ties from so many times and I've been giving advice and helping people look their best for many years, I love it.

I think that for men ties are a real opportunity to show character, to stamp a personal sense of style on your outfit to put yourself out there whether it's to make a statement or reinforcing a perception they work, really work as a way to show you mean business, have self-confidence and more. They are underrated as an item of clothing and because fewer people than ever are wearing ties it offers a huge opportunity for those who do wear ties to stand out from the crowd, to really shine.

The idea of a monthly subscription club for ties came to me last year, my son had just had a monthly subscription box delivered, nothing to do with ties, it was full of comic book stuff I think and at the same time I'd had a delivery of a tie I'd ordered online, I'd spent ages finding a tie I liked at the right price and when it arrived it was fine, I was happy but my son had a box full of surprises and he was delighted. The idea was born. 
We started in the UK, What is an English gentleman without his suit and tie, but soon began getting requests to order from the US, It turned out there is a demand for The Monthly Tie Club in the USA, so who was I to say no and the site went from there.

That was the easy bit. Since then I've found the right tie collection. First and foremost quality, the ties all had to be silk and excellent quality and building an awesome collection of ties and accessories was the part of the process I've focused on most. It's done and I'm super excited to have the club open for members to have quality, hand picked silk ties delivered every month. 

The club isn't about throwing a random tie in the post. All of our ties are hand picked for you based on what you've told us you like (and don't). I want you to feel and look your best and I really want you to have that feeling my son did, when opening your The Monthly Tie Club delivery,

I want you to be delighted, we'll also use any ties you choose and buy from our store to help us pick, we'll also guarantee that you'll never get the same tie twice or get one you've bought in the store as part of your subscription. I'm that confident you'll love it that you can cancel at any time, no minimum terms or contracts. 

I look forward to having you as a member and sharing pics of you wearing your Monthly Tie Club ties on our Instagram, it'll mean the world to me and the team and you can always email me directly with any questions, comments or just to chat.
